3 Tickets for Sale - Exit Festival - Serbia - 12-15 July *

Hey All, I bought three e-tickets with an early bird deal so saved myself a few quid....then decided to do Global Gathering instead! Im selling £280 for the three. Tickets are entrance. With Exit you need to purchase your camping (if you choose to camp) separately. The tickets are £102 face value now and so you would save £26. Its only fair considering I paid £68 at the time (3for2 offer) and wish to make a bit of profit to purchase my Global tickets...which are actually a good fair bit more! They are e-tickets and I understand the concern about the original purchaser ‘selling’ them and then using them due to the barcode...I assure you that I am a genuine gig/festival goer and wouldn’t even think to rip someone off like that. Give me a call for a chat if do have concerns. I work in Camden and live in the Stratford so a meet would be either place. http://www.exitfest.org/sr http://www.exitconnectuk.com/comparisons.html